Cartoomics 3-5 Marzo 2017 – Games District Verona 11-12 Marzo 2017

Feb 15, 2017 | Eventi

Buonasera Seguaci!

Stasera abbiamo per voi due fantastiche news: saremo presenti dal 3 al 5 Marzo a Cartoomics (Rho Fiera -MI-) e la settimana successiva, l’11 e 12 Marzo, a Games District – Verona (VeronaFiere)!

Vi aspettiamo con i nostri cosplayers, il merchandise, l’Animus 2.0 e… una GRANDE sorpresa XD


Good Evening Followers!

Tonight we’ll share two amazing news: we’ll take part in Cartomics Convention (03-05 March) in Milan and in Games District Convention (11-12 March) in Verona.

Our cosplayers, our merchandise, the Animus 2.0 and… a VERY BIG SURPRISE, they’ll wait for you!


#ACcosplayITA #Cartoomics2017 #Cartoomics#GamesDistrict #AssassinsCreed

Connor cosplay and ph.: Simona & Matteo Cosplay
Puppeteer cosplay: Elena
Puppeteer ph.:
Graphic: Kaiserin art & cosplay


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